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The Difference Between Sustainability and Sustentability

  • 3 min read

Sustainability and sustentability are terms often used interchangeably, despite having subtle yet important differences. Both terms refer to the ability to maintain something long-term, but their focus differs.


Sustainability refers to the ability to maintain a system or process consistently over time without depleting natural resources. In other words, sustainability involves maintaining something in the present and future while responsibly and efficiently using resources.

Sustainability focuses on reducing environmental impact and responsibly using natural resources to maintain ecological balance and quality of life.


On the other hand, sustentability, refers to the ability to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Sustentability focuses on the interdependence between economic, social, and environmental development, and the need to balance these three factors to ensure that the needs of future generations are sustainably met.

Sustainability and Sustentability

In summary, sustainability focuses on the present and the need to responsibly use resources to maintain ecological balance and quality of life, while sustentability focuses on both the present and the future, and the need to meet current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

It is important to note that these terms are closely related and complementary. Achieving sustainable development requires considering both sustainability and sustentability together. Both terms are crucial in the context of climate change, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development in general.

Sustainability and sustentability are increasingly important concepts in our world today, as they refer to the ability to maintain resources and quality of life without compromising the needs of future generations.

Examples of Sustainability and Sustentability in Different Areas:

Renewable Energy

The use of renewable energy, such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power, is a significant example of sustainability. These energy sources are renewable and do not generate greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture refers to farming practices that maintain soil health, reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and promote biodiversity. An example of this is organic farming, which uses natural methods to control pests and diseases.

Sustainable Transport

Sustainable transport refers to transportation methods that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as electric vehicles or efficient public transport. It may also include promoting cycling and walking as means of transport.

Green Buildings

Green buildings are designed and constructed to minimize environmental impact and maximize energy efficiency. This can include the use of sustainable materials, such as certified wood, and the implementation of renewable energy systems.

Waste Management

Sustainable waste management includes practices such as recycling, waste reduction, reuse, and composting. This reduces the amount of waste going to landfills and helps preserve natural resources.

Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism involves traveling responsibly and minimizing environmental and cultural impact. This can include staying in sustainable accommodations, participating in eco-friendly activities, and supporting local communities.

Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion refers to the ethical and responsible production and consumption of clothing. This can include using sustainable materials and implementing fair labor practices and wages for workers.

Sustainable Food

Sustainable food involves choosing food produced responsibly, such as local agriculture and chemical-free food production. It may also include consuming seasonal foods and reducing food waste.

These are just a few examples of sustainability and sustentability in different areas, but there are many more ways in which we can work together to protect our planet and communities.

At Green Masters, we specialize in training professionals in construction, architecture, design, and guiding businesses to achieve certifications for Sustainable Projects.